
Auditdata A/S was founded by Claus Bak Petersen in 1992. From the very beginning, Auditdata has been dedicated to the development of software applications for the health sector, including modules for programming digital hearing instruments, technical and administrative software systems covering all functions in a hearing clinic. Over the years, they extended the solutions to provide audiological equipments and their core beliefs in business is to keep their utmost professional services and usability of products for their partners. They have a coverage of 48 partners in 35 countries including Malaysia.


Entomed TY101
A flexible and upgradeable Tympanometer for quick and reliable testing of middle ear conditions. As a stand-alone unit with simple and intuitive touchscreen control, the TY-101 will support the daily work at the hearing care clinic or during domiciliary visits.
Test Box

Primus HIT Pro
The Primus HIT Pro hearing instrument test unit has all the tests you need for testing, fitting and verifying hearing instruments, regardless of manufacturer. The system adheres to industry standards IEC and ANSI and is fully Noah compatible. The Primus software and shared interface for all Primus elements enable you to customize the stimuli and prescriptive targets according to your needs.

Primus Pro
With modern and innovative features, Primus Pro is a fast, efficient, and user-friendly audiometer and fitting unit that delivers everything you need to perform advanced clinical audiometry, counselling, and fitting. Driven by advanced software, it makes data available from your testing and fitting processes empowering you to streamline workflows, follow best-practice, and provide better customer service.

Primus Ice
The Primus Ice is the perfect choice if you are looking for a portable Noah integrated clinical audiometer. Without the lid, the Primus Ice audiometer is no bigger than an envelope making it an ideal solution for diagnostic audiometry on the move.

Entomed SA 202
A lightweight traditional manual / automatic pure-tone and bone conduction diagnostic audiometer with narrow band masking and optional PC connection.

Entomed SA 203
A manual / automatic pure-tone and bone conduction testing diagnostic audiometer with narrowband and speech noise masking with optional PC connection.

Entomed SA 204
A manual / automatic pure-tone, bone conduction and speech testing diagnostic audiometer with narrowband and speech noise masking with optional PC connection.

Hearing experts near you
Hearing care professionals can help you make the choice that is perfect for you. They will consider your hearing needs, your budget, your lifestyle and your individual hearing preferences.